Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Year's Resolution - final comments

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say a few words about this year's resolution (read about it here, laugh about it here, enjoy a sweet treat here and see how cleaning is not my thing here and here).

First of all: It was great to have a one word resolution!!! Throughout the year, even though I did not blog about it after February, the question 'How can I be resourceful in this situation?' was constantly in my mind. I was able to use a lot of stuff in my home that was forgotten and/or unattended (For instance, I did everything for my daughter's first birthday, all the decorations and cupcakes from what I had at hand - ok, I bought a few items on clearance or at yard sales - but I was able to stay on budget and have a wonderful celebration, so that was awesome!!!)

I had planned to do a cleaning series, but after reading a little more about resourcefulness I realized that the most resourceful people in life are the ones who can actually discern what their talents are and focus on them to bring 'beauty from ashes'. And let me tell, cleaning is not my thing. Now don't go thinking that my house is dirty ;), but the fact is that I do not enjoy it and decided I was not gonna torture myself talking about it, just doing it is enough.

So there was the unexpected lesson for me: Being resourceful is not only about using what you have, but about being able to let go of what you don't have. I don't have any interest in cleaning, so I let go of TALKING about it LOL. I don't have creative cooking skills, as you all know, so I gave up on trying to create recipes with leftovers.

I focused on some of my skills: teaching, time and money management, organizing, crafts. That was so much more fun and rewarding than cleaning a dishwasher (read about it here) or eating a disgusting meal (read about it here), although I know I entertained some of you with my failures.

Another lesson I learned was how to be resourceful with my time. Being a working mom and wife, I had to learn how to juggle home, family and work. So time management was a big thing this year, and therefore no blog posts about it until now ;).

Now I look at the New Year ahead of us and wonder: What will be my one word resolution for next year?

What will yours be?

The Brazilican Learner

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