Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Perfect Teacher - Part One

After surviving the first few months of teaching and being a mom, I am back to blogging!!! :) Sorry it has been so long and I will update you guys on my New Year's Resolution on another opportunity but today I want to write about The Perfect Teacher.

Remember the three part series I wrote called "What is a lesson after all?" (Read part one here, part two here and part three here) ? Well, this series"The Perfect Teacher" is a follow-up to that series.

Last time we talked about it we discussed the attributes of a teacher and decided no one will ever be the "perfect teacher". Well, no human being. But there is a Perfect Teacher, and he is GOD. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Let's take a look into the Bible and see just a glimpse of His infinite knowledge and perspective versus our finite human mind.

We are going to start by taking a look at the book of Job in the Bible. Who was Job? In a nutshell, Job was a good man who followed God and had a bunch of kids and money (which translated into cattle and sheep back then). This is what God thought of him: 'There is no one on earth like him [Job]; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil'. (Job 1:8b)

But his status quo on earth was about to change and some of you may already know. He was about to lose everything. You see, Satan thought that Job was 'blameless and upright' because he had all those blessings from God. This is what Satan told God in response: "You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will curse you to your face." (Job 1:10b and 11) Basically he was saying that what Job really worshipped were the blessings, not the Blesser.

So God gave permission to Satan to take everything from Job, including his cattle and sheep, his children and his own health. All that Job was left with was a wife - who advised him to 'curse God and die' (Job 2:9b) and friends - who kept telling him that what happened to him was his own fault - of course he must have sinned and that is why all this disaster came upon him. To sum it up, he was left with nothing good, no family, no possessions, no health, no support. Nothing.

Now let's pause for a moment... Job is suffering physically, financially and emotionally, when all he did his whole life was to seek God... that seems unfair, right?


... The Perfect Teacher...

had and has a lot in store to teach Job and us in this whole situation....

I am going to stop this post here, before I continue I would like to hear from you...

What do you think those lessons are?
Why do you think God allowed all this to happen to Job?
Have you ever been in a similar situation?

The Brazilican Learner

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