Friday, August 31, 2012

And not being alone means...?

If you decided my posts are worth your time, you probably read that for me the basic lesson means we are not alone, but God almighty is with us from the beginning... Actually the Bible says He was there and knew about us even before we existed, that is, He designed us (Psalm 139 for more details).

So, what exactly does that mean - we are not alone? Because sometimes it doesn't look and/or feel that way at all... When things don't go according to plan or to what we think we deserve, or when something tragic happens, like the death of a loved one or something else... It feels just fine to think that we may be alone, but in my experience, I learned we are not alone, at least I wasn't, God was there with me all along (Psalm 23:4 describes it like exactly).

And that's where I'm going to stop today... Right there, at Psalm 23. I found this cute video online that depicts it, how the Lord is with us all the time, I hope you enjoy it:

And for my Brazilian friends, I was looking for one of my favorite songs but could not find it online
:(  ... But, if you happen to know it, I will at least leave the reference here: Banda Agape, Bom Pastor.  If you can listen to it somehow, it is AWESOME!


  1. É isso aí amiga, never alone!!!
    Gostei da iniciativa e do primeiro post também!!
    Te loveio!!

  2. Que bom que gostou Amiga, o seu eh bem divertido...
