Thursday, August 30, 2012

The first lesson

Since we found out about my pregnancy, I have been thinking about my own origins, what shaped me into who I am now, life in general, you know blah, blah, blah, that kind of philosophical stuff... ;)

So, what is the first lesson in life I would like to talk about in my blog? (kinda bold for the second post, huh?) Ok, here comes the cliche... Roll the drums please... 

We are not alone! (And I'm not talking about E.T.'s  here, just in case the thought crossed your mind...  ;) )

I guess what I mean is that we wouldn't be who we are now if we were alone. Maybe we wouldn't even be alive. 

Now hold that thought... Why are we alive? Who are we? Where do we come from? Where do we go from here? What is the purpose of life, if any?

All right, how many times have you heard those questions or thought about them? I have heard them probably too many times, and yet when I feel my little daughter kick and grow and move inside me I can't help but wonder: What is going on here? How does this happen? (No, this blog is not about THAT, I won't go there, promise, you know what I mean LOL)  And when do I get to see her? (ok, unrelated but true :) ) 

All those questions lead me to my Bible that says "In the beginning, God..." (Genesis 1:1). And there you go, He was there before us, He started it all... And that's what I believe... And that's what I have been seeing in each and every day of my life, even in the darkest ones (a lot of posts to come on those). 

And there you have it, my view of life and the first and most important lesson for me: we are not alone, we were not made alone, God the creator of everything has always been there... And the fact that He placed a human being inside another one since conception is just an illustration of that. Maybe you don't believe in any of that, and I respect that. Just wanted to let you know that that is what I believe and that all the other lessons I learned and am learning derive from that one. So maybe you just lost interest, but hopefully if you didn't, I do hope to have you here again, for another chat. 

So, what do you think? What is the foundational lesson in life in your opinion?

The Brazilican Learner


  1. Hey, Cris!
    It is just great to hear that from you. I guess we all wonder about the question brought up but just a few can really get an answer which is unquestionable! I guess there is nothing more comforting than be sure about God and all he has done for us and we know that because of the Holy Ghost and that is a bless!
    May life be led by Him and we shall rest in His arms! God bless you, your baby and hubby! :)

  2. You got it right, Fla, it is COMFORTING!!! God bless you and your family, too!
